
Do you give homeless people money or not?

My personal opinion on the situation of giving homeless people money is that I don’t think you should in most cases but sometimes you should. Majority of the time I won’t give money to homeless people because they frequently spend it on the wrong things such as alcohol or drugs. If I were going to [...]

New England Patriots

For this blog I am going to talk about the New England Patriots and how they are so good and are going to win the Superbowl over the New York Giants. The Patriots are pretty much perfect in every aspect of the game. It all starts with the management and the owner Bob Kraft. He [...]

Barack Obama

The presidential campaign that I am analyzing is one of Barack Obama’s first commercials for him running for office entitled “Believe Again”. In the beginning of the commercial, it starts off with many pictures and words that describe the picture. This really appeals to our emotions because he uses a lot of strong messages and [...]

Assignment #2

1.Authority- Authority is when you have some ideas and thoughts about a certain topic and the reader or listener has to understand what you are saying. You also have to make sure they can trust you so they believe what you say are true.

Emotion- Emotion is when you make a connection with the audiences level [...]

Assignment #1

Claim: I think a claim is a statement that is not factual, but more of persons own opinions and beliefs. It can also be a plea that a person makes to persuade a person in agreeing with them. This serves as the central idea for your main argument in the speech and will set up [...]

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