
Just War

Just war is a very controversial idea that is used very much during the time of the War on Terrorism. The traditional arguments of just war are that it has to be permissible for legal or moral reasons. It also has to be publicly declared, the only reason to go to war is for peace, it has to be waged as a last resort, and all non-violent options must be exhausted before the use of force can be justified. I think that these traditional arguments do apply to the War on Terror that we are continuing right now. I believe that it is just war because we did all of the steps to make sure that it is just. We publicly announced that we are going to war with them and they attacked us for no reason. I think that they deserve to be against war against us because they did an unthinkable thing when they blew up the World Trade Centers and killed all of those innocent people. I believe that we should be allowed to capture these terrorists and not give them due process because they have done illegal things that have harms hundreds of thousands of people. It is also acceptable to keep them detained because they are not citizens of the United States and they don’t believe in our laws. With the newly invented weapons of mass destruction, I believe that we have to do something about these terrorists, and I believe the War on Terrorism is justified.

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