

One of the worst habits that I have always had and share with many other students is procrastinating. I know that I do it and I know at the same time that is isn’t a good thing to do. When you think about it logically, if you are assigned something months in advance, why does it make sense to wait till the last day before it is due to finally start the assignment. Everyone says that it is such a bad habit, and I know that, but I have always had a hard time with this. Putting things off makes it seem easier, but in actuality, procrastinating just makes more work for yourself. It seems so simple to say that I will spilt an assignment up over a period of time, but when I don’t feel like doing that assignment, the planning goes to waste and I’m back at square one. Another thing that contributes to procrastination is laziness and I think that we all know that we are one of the laziest generations, and this statement caries into our school work ethics. When we feel tired and don’t feel like doing anything, we don’t, thus contributing to pushing back what needs to be done and creating a bigger problem for ourselves. After every instance I do procrastinate, I realize what I did and say to myself that I am going to change, but sadly, that never happens. Eventually, I’ll get over this horrible habit, but until then, I better push myself to finish what I put off for so many months and now regret greatly.

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